Mentoring Committee Chair – Robbyn Glinsmann ( ) Charles Love Kristyn Sartin Mentors make a huge impact in the lives of teachers, both novice and veteran. OCTM connects math teachers across Oklahoma through meaningful collaboration and mentorship. Mentorship could entail online collaboration, networking, face-to-face meetings, or even simply collaboration via email or virtual conversations. If you are interested in growing as a math teacher as a mentor or mentee, please contact the mentoring committee chair listed above. Advocacy Committee Chair – Open Amanda Cummings Katie Weese Andrea Wood Please join the greater Oklahoma Mathematics Community to collaborate, learn, and connect each month around advocacy, current pedagogy, and practices. We are partnering with Dr. Kate Raymond, Assistant Professor of Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum in Mathematics, at OU, and Dr. Jill Davis, associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, at UCO. In our meetings we are investigating opportunities to explore advocacy and social justice and its relevance to mathematics education and culturally relevant pedagogy and its role in mathematics education. | Upcoming events
Calls for Manuscripts Oklahoma Journal of School Mathematics |
Professional Development Committee Chair – Linda Goeller ( Brigit Minden Holly Rhoads hollyrhoads@clevelandtigers Christine Koerner Meredith Guffey The Professional Development Committee provides professional learning that is aligned with Oklahoma math standards. OCTM District representatives promote professional development opportunities that engage all members of the greater Oklahoma mathematics education community. Resources and professional development opportunities are designed for continuous professional growth in order to increase the success of all students. Teachers will have opportunities to increase knowledge, improve performance, and enhance professional satisfaction. The committee will hold collaborative meetings at least four times a year in order to formulate professional development opportunities for OCTM members and the entire Oklahoma math community. If you are interested in serving on the professional development committee, please contact the committee chair listed above. Conference Committee Kate Weese ( The conference committee consists of a Conference Chair, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Vendor Chair, Program Chair along with other members of OCTM who are willing to aid in the planning of the annual conference as well as provide logistical support on the conference day. The committee meets 4-5 times in the fall and spring electronically and in-person leading up to the conference. If you are passionate about planning and facilitating excellent conferences contact the conference chair above to volunteer! | Public Relations Committee Chair – Brandi Green ( The goal of the Public Relations Committee is to improve communication with shareholders and the Oklahoma mathematics community at large. If you are interested in spreading the word about the great things that OCTM does for the State, blogging, posting on social media about OCTM events, curating, and designing a website then contact our public relations chair above to find out how to get involved! This committee is made up of the Public Relations Chair and other members willing to help spread the word. The committee meets 2-3 times throughout the year electronically and once in person at the annual conference. Travel Grant Committee Chair – Darlinda Cassel ( This grant will be awarded to current members of OCTM for the purpose of attending the NCTM National or an NCTM Regional Conference. The money can be put towards registration, lodging, and travel. The amount will not exceed $750 per applicant. Committee responsibilities are to evaluate travel grant requests and choose recipients. This happens once a year. Committee will meet via conference call and/or e-mail in order to make a final selection of recipients. The whole process should not take longer than 1-2 hours. Awards Committee Chair – Annetta Hackler ( Jennifer Cribbs Kate Raymond The Awards Committee is dedicated to recognizing excellent Oklahoma educators for their service and exceptional mathematics instruction. OCTM is proud to celebrate distinguished educators from the greater mathematics community from our state and nation. If you would like to nominate a fellow math educator, please contact our awards chairman above! OCTM knows Oklahoma has the greatest mathematics teachers, and we need your help in elevating them! If you are interested in serving on the Awards Committee, please contact the committee chair listed above. Please use this link to nominate in the following categories: